New and current patients, we have revamped our wait list!
Are you scheduled out a couple of weeks and would like to be seen sooner? Have conflicting dates with another event and want to move up your appointment date? Or did another provider order another study that you would like to review with your Neuroversion provider?
Call and ask to be added to the wait list. Or, if you already know that you'd like to schedule a follow-up at the time of check-out and a sooner date is not currently available, we can add you to the wait list then, too.
This is on a first come, first serve basis. If an appointment slot becomes available we will contact you. Even if we leave you a voicemail, the appointment slot may be filled by the time the call is returned. We will work diligently to inform you if the appointment is no longer available.
To contact one of our receptionists call (907) 339-4650, option 1, option 2.