First time logging in to the Patient Portal? No problem, follow the steps below to gain access. The only thing we need from you is a personal (non-work) e-mail in order to get you web-enabled.
Once you are web-enabled, an e-mail with a link to complete sign up process will be sent to the e-mail address that was provided. It should look similar to:

Once the link is selected, follow the prompts provided. You will be required to submit the following for security purposes:
1. Birth date OR phone number 2. Confirm that you are the intended recipient 3. Enter preferred username and password 4. Select a security question
Once you select Sign Up, you will be directed to your Portal Home Page.
If you are unsure if you are already web-enabled, contact our office and ask to speak to the receptionist. They will be able to provide you with your login information. Or at your next appointment, a printed copy can be provided to you as well upon request.